Equality and Human Rights NHS Lothian | Our Organisation

Public sector equality duty reports

You can find all our current public sector equality duty reports on these pages. If you would like copies of previous reports please email us at loth.equalityandhumanrights@nhslothian.nhs.scot.uk or call 0131 242 1000

Equality outcomes 

Our Equality outcomes 2021-25 set out what we will do to improve the life chances and/or experiences of groups of people who use our services or work for us. In 2023, we decided to update our Equality Outcomes to align with our Equality and Human Rights Strategy and the Lothian Strategic Development Framework. Please see our NHS Lothian Equalities Outcomes 2023-2025.

Mainstreaming equality 

We are required to publish a report every two years about the progress we are making to integrate equality into our work. This includes the progress we’ve made so far to achieve our 2021 – 2025 equality outcomes. Please see the NHS Lothian Mainstreaming Equality and Equality Outcomes Progress Report 2021-2023. You can also use the Easy Read version of the NHS Lothian Mainstreaming Equality and Equality Outcomes Progress Report 2021-2023.

Employee equality information

We collect employee equality information and use it to check for discrimination and to prioritise work to tackle inequality in employment. We publish our workforce equality reports annually. Please see the Equality and diversity monitoring report 2023-2024

Statement on equal pay and gender pay gap information

We have an equal pay statement and this includes our policy on equal pay and information about occupational segregation. We collect and publish information about the difference in pay between men and women working for NHS Lothian. You can read all this information in the NHS Lothian Gender Pay Gap Report and our Equal Pay Statement 2021-2025 including the Equal Pay Statement Data.

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