Equality and Human Rights NHS Lothian | Our Organisation

Equality and Human Rights

Our aim for equality and human rights

We want to improve the health of everyone in Lothian so that:

  • Everyone lives a longer, healthier life, with better outcomes from our care and treatment.
  • Everyone has access to health and social care services that are connected seamlessly, wrapping around them in their home or homely setting.
  • Everyone experiences better support and care as we improve our performance across our system, including people who work for and with us.

Our Equality and Human Rights Strategy 2023 to 2028 supports us to put equality and human rights at the centre of everything we do so that we achieve these aims and meet our legal requirements. It sets out our six strategic priorities – each one helping us understand and act on the experiences and needs of people who work for us and use our services. You can read the NHS Lothian Equality and Human Rights Strategy 2023-2028 and the Healthy and Better Lives for Everyone evidence paper & impact assessment results.

We publish annual reports about the work done to deliver the strategy. You can read NHS Lothian Equality and Human Rights Annual Report 2023-2024.

There is also a BSL summary version of the strategy and strategic priorities.

Equality and human rights strategy 2023-28 summary for BSL

Priority 1: Equality and human rights are a central part of our planning, decision-making, delivery, and reporting.

Priority 2: We are an anti-racist organisation, and our work helps to eliminate racism, remove racialised inequalities and reduce racial prejudice.

Priority 3: We anticipate and meet the needs of disabled people so they can access services, employment opportunities and have better outcomes.

Priority 4: We are gender inclusivewe do not discriminate on grounds of sex or gender identity and our work helps to tackle persistent gender inequalities.

Priority 5: We support people who use our mental health services and people with dementia to know about and claim their rights, and to make decisions about their care and treatment. 

Priority 6: We reap the benefits of equality and human rights education and training.

Calum Campbell, Chief Executive for NHS Lothian, said: “As an employer and healthcare provider we state without reservation that all staff and patients must be treated equitably irrespective of age, disability, gender identity, ethnicity, skin colour, religion or belief, sex or sexual orientation. Equality and inclusion are at the heart of what we stand for. It’s important that we, as staff and representatives of NHS Lothian, treat one another with care, compassion, dignity, and respect. These are a key part of our organisation values.”

If you work within NHS Lothian you have access to several staff networks which cover BME (Black & Minority Ethnic), Carers, Disabled Employees, LGBT+ (Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Trans), Women, and Youth.

Contact us

If you have questions regarding equality and human rights in NHS Lothian please email loth.equalityandhumanrights@nhslothian.scot.nhs.uk or contact our switchboard on 0131 242 1000

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