Capital Developments NHS Lothian | Our Organisation

Frequently Asked Questions

Please click on the questions below to view the answers.

Why do we need new hospital buildings?

Currently much of the inpatient accommodation at the Royal Edinburgh Hospital (REH) does not meet modern standards. Improving the existing buildings at the REH is not cost effective.​

Were other sites considered?

Other sites were considered. In some cases the sites were too small or had other plans in place.

Why is the programme being built in phases?

Various services are going to be moved onto and around the campus and this couldn’t be done all at once. A phased re-build is the best way to minimise disruption for patients and staff.

What will happen to the AAH site if services relocate to the REH campus?

This is currently being discussed. Consideration will be given to the future of the rest of the AAH site including potential future uses or disposal.

How much will it cost?

The first phase of the project cost approximately £48-million. The whole project will cost approximately £300-million

​How will it be funded?

The project will be funded through the Hubco initiative, which is managed by Scottish Futures Trust. You can find more information about this at  www.hubsoutheastscotland.co.uk

When will construction start on the second phase?

Construction of phase two is likely to begin in 2020.

When will the first building open?

We opened the first building in 2017.

When will the programme be completed?

The programme will take up to 10 years to complete.

Will there be more parking on the site and will there be a charge for parking?

The amount of parking spaces will be determined through discussions with our colleagues in the City of Edinburgh Council’s planning department. NHS Lothian encourages the use of sustainable, green travel solutions such as car sharing, public transport, cycling and walking.

Will work to improve inpatient environments continue?

Yes, scheduled improvements will continue as normal.

Will any of the existing buildings be retained?

MacKinnon House (the main building at the REH), the Hive and the Kinnair Unit are listed buildings and will be kept and upgraded. The Orchard Clinic (medium secure forensic service) and the building currently housing the young people’s inpatient service will also be retained.

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