Capital Developments NHS Lothian | Our Organisation

Involving People

Engaging with patients and communities

We are committed to involving patients and wider communities in the development of new facilities and where there is a major change to a service.

We recognise the need to engage with people before, during and after construction to help shape and improve our services.

We regularly consult with patients and carers, staff, local communities, the wider public and other interested parties including third sector organisations and public sector partners.

Commercial partners

We engage advisors, designers and contractors to support the delivery of Capital Planning Projects where required.

We use a nationally approved procurement programme for public funded construction projects called Frameworks Scotland. We also use the hub (South East Scotland).

Engagement with current projects

There are opportunities to get involved or follow the progress of the following capital development projects:

For more information about getting involved in influencing our work or volunteering please visit our webpage.

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Awards Aware Icon
We are a Living wage Employer Icon
Duke of Edinburgh's Award Logo
Young Person's Guaranteed Employer Logo
Scottish Top Employers Logo
Disability Confident Employer Logo