The role of capital planning and projects
Capital Planning and Projects sits within the Finance Directorate of NHS Lothian.
It is a relatively small department of project management and architectural specialists led by Iain Graham, Director of Capital Planning and Projects.
They are responsible for the development, procurement and implementation of capital and revenue funded projects across NHS Lothian. They also act as the link between the service, finance and governance and the construction interests of each project.
The team:
- Develop business cases for major new acute and primary care facilities
- Manage the Board’s capital equipment replacement programme
- Manage strategic projects on-site following appointment of designers and contractors
- Support the delivery of services and clinical infrastructure systems and facilities required to provide modern, fit-for-purpose healthcare
- Develop and deliver effective facilities management including implementation of capital projects
- Prioritise competing demands in respect of allocating and co-ordinating departmental space requirements and demands in line with identified projects needs and the agreed clinical strategy
- Manage and maintain the physical healthcare environment to best support patient care and wellbeing
The capital development plan
The Capital Plan is directly linked to NHS Lothian’s strategic plan 2014-2024- Our Health, Our Care, Our Future.
It sets out how we propose to address population needs and challenges and continue to provide a high quality, sustainable healthcare system for the people of Lothian.