Strategies NHS Lothian | Our Organisation

Examples of Innovation

The Lothian Strategic Development Framework (LSDF) sets how we believe services can change over the coming years to keep pace with demand and ensure people have equal access to the best care. This page gives you some examples of new ways of doing things to help us achieve this goal.

Artificial Pancreas

Artificial Pancreas is a new system which is helping people with type 1 diabetes to manage their condition themselves and improve their way of life and their long-term health.

Hospital at Home Service

The Hospital at Home Service was developed with the aim in mind of providing care closer to home where possible and appropriate. Hospital at Home is a short-term, targeted intervention that provides a level of acute hospital care in an individual’s own home allowing patients to avoid admission, while still receiving diagnostic tests and treatments such as antibiotics that require to be administered intravenously. We visited Bill and his wife Lorna at their home to find out what the service has meant to them.

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