Equality and Human Rights NHS Lothian | Our Organisation

Equality and Children’s Rights Impact Assessments

Assessing the impact of what we do

We use Equality and Children’s Rights Impact Assessments to understand how our work can help to eliminate discrimination and prejudice, meet different needs, reduce inequalities and uphold children’s rights.

Doing Equality and Children’s Rights Impact Assessments helps NHS Lothian to comply with our public sector equality duties, the Fairer Scotland Duty and our children’s rights obligations. Importantly, this helps us to make good decisions that will improve the health of everyone in Lothian.

Guidance for staff

Assessment needed

If your work will have an impact on equality, socio-economic disadvantage or children’s rights for the people who work for NHS Lothian or use our services, and an impact assessment will help NHS Lothian to have due regard to equality and children’s rights, you need to do an assessment.

No assessment needed or not sure

If your work will not have an impact on equality, socio-economic disadvantage or children’s rights for the people who work for NHS Lothian or use our services, or you don’t think it’s necessary to do an assessment to give due regard to equality and children’s rights, you may not need to do an assessment.

Making Fair Decisions

Current Equality and Children’s Rights Impact Assessments

If you would like the Equality and Children’s Rights Impact Assessment report for a previous policy email loth.equalityandhumanrights@nhs.scot or call 0131 242 1000.

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