Environmental Impact of our waste January
ast year, NHS Lothian produced just over 2000 tonnes of orange stream clinical waste across our acute and community sites[...]
Environmental impact of NHS waste
In this Webinar we find out more about the waste that NHS Lothian produces and why our first step is to reduce our Orange Stream Clinical Waste. [...]
Greener Emergency Departments webinar
Developing Environmentally Sustainable Models of Care is crucial for the NHS and part of our Sustainable Development Framework and Action Plan. One area of high importance we need to look at is Emergency Departments[...]
Environmental Management in the NHS
This webinar is titled: 'Environmental Management in the NHS, the role of the Scottish Environmental Protection Agency and Public Health: Understanding NHS Lothian’s full environmental footprint and why it matters.'[...]
Progress in 2023-2024 – Preview of NHS Lothian Annual Climate Emergency and Sustainability Report.
In this webinar you’ll hear how NHS Lothian did in 2023-2024 in achieving its ambitions to tackle climate change and become greener. The session talks about our carbon emissions, from our buildings, transport including electric vehicles, anaesthetic gases and developing the environmental impact of our Greenspace. They also talked about some of the recent progress[...]
Restoring Biodiversity – Our action plan
Tackling the biodiversity crisis is a key focus of NHS Lothian’s Sustainable Development Framework and Action Plan. NHS Lothian is developing a Biodiversity Action Plan (BAP) to create a thriving natural environment across our estate. This plan will guide our efforts for the next 10 years, making our hospitals and facilities more welcoming for wildlife[...]
Environmental Sustainability in Clinical Practice – leading from the front line
On Thursday 6 June 2024 we held an NHS Lothian Environmental Sustainability Webinar, titled ‘Environmental Sustainability in Clinical Practice – leading from the front line’. Developing environmentally sustainable care is at the core of NHS Lothian’s Sustainable Development Framework and Action Plan. There are significant opportunities to reduce our impact on the environment by looking[...]
Environmentally Sustainable Transport for Public Health
The relationship between transport, the environment and health is well established. Public Health priorities around transport include Active Travel; Community Cohesion; Air & Noise Pollution; Road Danger, and Climate Change. This webinar provides an overview of Transport from a Public Health perspective, describe how transport policy is being implemented in Edinburgh and the impact of[...]
Connecting people & Planet: Bridging the gap between greenspace and health on the NHS Estate
Contact with nature can have a positive effect on physical and mental health, and this in turn can foster sustainable behaviour. Hospital courtyards and gardens create therapeutic spaces for patients and breathing spaces for staff. If planned and if managed sustainably they can deliver multiple environmental benefits from homes for wildlife, to clean air and[...]
The Right Care Is Greener
NHS Lothian Environmental Sustainability Webinar, titled ‘The Right Care is Greener: challenges and opportunities of NHS Scotland’s National Respiratory Prescribing Strategy’ Carbon emissions from inhalers typically account for around 3% of the carbon footprint of the NHS, and the propellants used in measured dose inhalers (MDI) prescribed for asthma and COPD are powerful greenhouse gases[...]
Progress in 2022-2023 – Preview of NHS Lothian Annual Climate Emergency and Sustainability Report
In this webinar recording you’ll hear how NHS Lothian did in 2022-2023 in achieving its ambitions to tackle climate change and become greener. This webinar recording will give an update on our carbon emissions, from our buildings, from waste, transport, anaesthetic gases and developing the environmental impact of our Greenspace. Some of the steps forward[...]
Engaging Communities in Climate Change
In this webinar we heard from Edinburgh Voluntary Organisation's Council (EVOC) about their work supporting community, voluntary and Social Sector organisations across Edinburgh through their 'Edinburgh 2030 Co-Lab' and 'Edinburgh Community Climate Forum'. This put Community Wealth Building and collaboration at the centre of a new greener, fairer and healthier transformation for Edinburgh[...]
Grounds for Health: Improving the estate for people & wildlife
Around 46% of the NHS Lothian estate is greenspace, this amounts to nearly 81 hectares (or rugby pitches) of gardens, grass and trees. If managed well these natural areas can capture carbon, clean the air of pollution and provide homes for wildlife. When they are well used, they can improve the lives of NHS patients, staff and communities in a multitude of ways that can be measured in better health and wellbeing[...]
Our Carbon Pathway
The latest NHS Lothian Carbon Emissions Report (2021/22) will be published in June and this webinar explores what it contains and its significance for our continuing carbon reduction journey[...]
Sustainable and Active Travel
Reducing the environmental impact of travel and transport in NHS Lothian concerns everyone – staff, patients, suppliers and members of the wider community. It is an area where we can all take action – but what will have the most impact? Who is taking action now?[...]
Green Theatres – Sustainability Webinar
This webinar focusses on Green Theatres, an area where NHS Lothian has made considerable progress since the publication of our Sustainable Development Framework and Action Plan this time last year. More recently the draft NHS Scotland Strategy has proposed a national Green Theatres programme. At the webinar we heard more about what is planned nationally and local progress in developing this important aspect of developing sustainable models of care[...]
Reflections on COP26
NHS Lothian Sustainability Webinar - Reflections on COP26[...]
Green Prescribing
The benefits of connecting to nature for people's mental and physical health are becoming more widely understood and experienced. However, those who could most benefit are less likely to have the opportunity[...]
Reuse Repair Recycle
The term Circular Economy is ever more widely used, but what does it really mean and what are the potential benefits for health and for sustainability? This is your chance to find out more by watching the video, chaired by Jane Hopton – Programme Director and Head of Sustainability[...]
Sustainable Development in Primary Care webinar
This webinar focussed on what is changing in Primary Health Care – the part of NHS Lothian that for most people is their first point of contact. They looked at two examples which highlighted the challenges faced and progress made in changing the way we do things in Primary Health Care in Lothian. [...]
Plotting Our Pathway to Net Zero
The latest NHS Lothian Carbon Emissions Report (2020/21) was published this month and this webinar explored what it contains and its significance for our continuing carbon reduction journey. The webinar also explored the factors that have contributed to the reduction in our carbon emissions in this exceptional year, including a work on medical gases. Reducing carbon emissions is central to tackling climate change but is not the whole story[...]
Just Transition and Health Inequalities
On Thursday 27 May 2021 Esther Roberton, Chair of the Board for NHS Lothian hosted a webinar to raise awareness about the Just Transition Commission report, health inequalities and the climate emergency[...]
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