Sustainability NHS Lothian | Our Organisation

Sustainable and Active Travel

Sustainable and Active Travel

Reducing the environmental impact of travel and transport in NHS Lothian concerns everyone – staff, patients, suppliers and members of the wider community. It is an area where we can all take action – but what will have the most impact? Who is taking action now? This webinar provides an overview of the strategy needed to promote sustainable and active travel and examples of ground-breaking work that has already been done in different parts of NHS Lothian.

The webinar will be chaired by Angus McCann, Non-Exec Director for NHS Lothian, who has a special interest in championing sustainable development across the service. Speakers include:

  • Dr Jane Hopton, Programme Director and Head of Sustainable Development – what needs to be included in a strategy to promote the action needed to promote sustainable and active travel in Lothian. 
  • Iain Sneddon, Transport and Travel Manager – progress already made in reducing the impact of the NHS Lothian fleet and the challenges and opportunities guiding our plans for the future.
  • Dr Sarah Keir, Consultant Stroke Physician, and Dr Sarah Bartlett, Specialist Registrar Geriatric Medicine, – the work to calculate the carbon footprint of a geriatric medicine clinic and in sharing their findings with us they will focus on the travel and transport aspects.
  • Dr Neil Watson was until recently Registrar at the Centre for Clinical Brain Sciences at NHS Lothian where he conducted a survey on sustainability in stroke services which he will share with us and explain the importance and potential of active and sustainable travel.
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