Lothian NHS Board NHS Lothian | Our Organisation

Board Papers

The NHS Lothian Board meets in public every two months and members of the public (including Board staff members) may attend these meetings to observe proceedings. If you would like to attend a Board meeting, please first email us at loth.corporategovernanceteam@nhs.scot to register your interest and receive specific joining instructions. Please make us aware of any requests for reasonable adjustments you may have in order to help us facilitate your attendance at a Board meeting.

Please note that requests to attend and observe a Board meeting must be received at least 24 hours in advance of the meeting start time as the meeting is in a security controlled building and seating is limited.

The agenda and papers for each public Board meeting will be made available on this page, three days in advance of the meeting.

In response to the impact of COVID-19, the Board has mainly conducted its meetings virtually, whilst continuing to offer the opportunity for members of the public to attend and observe proceedings. We anticipate that, in future, our Board meetings may be hosted in different formats, either physical, virtual or hybrid. Depending on the format chosen for each Board meeting, we will facilitate public attendance through the most efficient solution available.

The next Board meeting on Wednesday 16th April 2025 at 9.00am will be held in Edinburgh and in person (i.e., with no option to attend virtually).

The meeting will take place in Edinburgh in:
Carrington Room, Inverleith Building, Western General Hospital, Crewe Road South, EH4 2LF

If you wish to attend and observe this meeting, please register using the instructions provided above.

NHS Lothian Board Papers 05 February 2025

The agenda papers from previous Board meetings can be accessed below. 

For Board papers prior to 2015, please email the Corporate Governance Team.

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