Sustainability NHS Lothian | Our Organisation

Biodiversity Action Plan

Biodiversity Action Plan

NHS Lothian is developing a Biodiversity Action Plan (BAP) to create a thriving natural environment across our estate.  This plan will guide our efforts for the next 10 years, making our hospitals and facilities more welcoming for wildlife and people alike. BAPs are plans developed by organisations to protect and enhance the biodiversity of environments that they have control over. At the heart of the BAP is the recognition that we can have both a positive and negative impact and an ambition to tip the balance in nature’s favour.

We need to:

  • Help ensure that we are meeting our legal and moral obligations.
  • Provide support and guidance to our teams to make the best decisions.
  • Communicate to our partners and stakeholders what actions we are taking and what standards we expect.

Read the draft plan

A consultation summary of the plan can be read here: https://org.nhslothian.scot/sustainability/wp-content/uploads/sites/34/2024/05/Biodiversity-Action-Plan-Consultation-Summary.pdf

The full version of the draft plan can be read here : https://org.nhslothian.scot/sustainability/wp-content/uploads/sites/34/2024/05/NHS-Lothian-Biodiversity-Action-Plan-Consultation.pdf

Your voice matters

We’ve created a short online survey to gather your valuable feedback on the plan and how we can improve it.  The survey asks 5 simple questions to understand if the plan will address the key issues and gives you the opportunity to make suggestions.

Click on the link below to access the survey (Survey closes 31st July 2024)


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