1. NHS Lothian – The Organisation
1.1 Introduction to this Handbook
This Handbook aims to provide Board Members and other people with information about NHS Lothian and its activities. It is primarily made up of links to material which is available on the internet, and it will be kept current by refreshing these links as and when there are updates.
The Handbook may be particularly helpful to new Board Members to to read as part of their induction process. The Handbook sits on the Board’s website and can be used as a source of induction material for members of other public bodies and Councillors. It is hoped that this single reference point helps people easily find material and refer to it as and when they require.
If you cannot find find what you are looking for please email:
1.2 Our Values
1.3 Code of Conduct (includes Conflicts of interest)
1.4 Meet the Board
1.5 Integration Joint Boards (IJBs)
1.5.1 IJBs Schemes of Establishment (Scottish Government Approved May 2023) – to be uploaded
1.6 NHS Lothian Charity (Board members are trustees of the Charity)
2. NHS Lothian – Governance
2.1 On Board – Scottish Government Guide for Members of Statutory Boards
2.2 Induction Approach – What NHS Non-Executive Members can expect from induction
2.3 Scottish Parliament Information Centre (SPICe) Briefings
2.3.1 The National Health Service in Scotland – December 2016
2.3.2 Integration of Health and Social Care – August 2016
2.3.3 Integration a short guide – April 2018
2.4 Corporate Governance and Assurance in NHS Lothian
2.5 Standing Orders
2.6 Board Papers
2.7 Board Governance Committee Structure
2.7.1 Terms of reference of Key Governance Committees
2.7.2 Consent Agenda Principles
2.7.3 Board Committee Structure
2.7.4 Some Lothian NHS Board members are also members of IJBs, CPPBs and E&LHF
2.8 Board and Governance Committees Meeting Dates & Deadlines
2.8.1 Board Committee and NHS Lothian Charity Dates 2025/26 (including deadlines)
3. Quality Agenda
The Quality Directorate was created in 2016 to support a major new strategic programme establishing a Quality Management System (QMS) in NHS Lothian. In addition to developing the QMS, the directorate also supports well-established quality improvement work across all healthcare sectors including improving patient safety and clinical effectiveness. The Chief Quality Officer is the executive lead for both the Quality Directorate and the Lothian Analytical Service, both of which work closely with other parts of NHS Lothian.
Our most current information is always to be found at https://qilothian.scot.nhs.uk. The Chief Quality Officer and members of our senior team are always delighted to hear from Board Members with specific queries or a general interest in Quality Management in healthcare.
3.1 Improvement Focused Governance – What Non-Executive Directors Need to Know (Scottish Government, February 2017)
3.2 Governance for Quality Healthcare in Scotland – An Agreement (Scottish Government, July 2013)
3.3 Embedding Quality Throughout NHS Lothian
4. NHS Lothian Board – Key Strategies
5. NHS Lothian – Our Priorities for Continuous Improvement
6. NHS Lothian Policy Online
7. NHS Lothian Key Documents
8. Useful Links
8.1 NHS Scotland Website
8.2 NHSScotland Board Development Website
8.3 Regulatory Bodies as at November 2022
– Links to organisations that have an interest in how the NHS carries out its duties.