Anchor Institution NHS Lothian | Our Organisation

Key Documents and Useful Links

Webinar by Dona Milne: A good neighbour, good consumer, and good employer – NHS Lothian as an anchor institution – A good neighbour, good consumer, and good employer – NHS Lothian as an anchor institution | Turas | Learn

The Health Foundation – The NHS as an anchor institution (health.org.uk)

The Lothian Strategic Development Framework sets out what we want to happen over the next five years across the system, to help us to achieve our vision. You can read more about that on the link below:

Health Anchors Learning Network – haln.org.uk

Public Health Scotland – How can Anchor institutions make a difference? – Anchor Institutions – Economy – Economy and poverty – Our areas of work – Public Health Scotland

The Centre for Local Economic Strategies (CLES) – What is an anchor institution? | CLES

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