NHS Lothian Diversity & Inclusion
NHS Lothian embraces the rich diversity found in all areas of the health board. This reflects a growing diversity in the population we serve. We are committed to eliminating discrimination and improving equality of opportunity; we know we have more work to do, and this is reflected in Corporate Objectives and associated workplans.
The values in NHS Lothian include Care, Compassion, Dignity and Respect and these emphasise how we treat both our patients and our staff.
Calum Campbell, Chief Executive for NHS Lothian, said: “As an employer and healthcare provider we state without reservation that all staff and patients must be treated equitably irrespective of skin colour, culture, religion, or gender. We support the fundamental need for equality and inclusion at the heart of what we stand for. It’s important that we, as staff and representatives of NHS Lothian, treat one another with care, compassion, dignity, and respect. These are a key part of our organisation values.”
If you work within NHS Lothian you have access to several staff networks which cover Disability, Leadership, BME (Black & Minority Ethnic), Youth and LGBT+ (Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender).
My Story Is Your Story
‘My Story Is Your Story’ is a series of creative engagements created in 2021, led by Edinburgh and Lothians Health Foundation’s Arts in Health and Wellbeing Programme, Tonic Arts, in partnership with NHS Lothian’s Equalities Network.
This short film celebrates the contribution of Black and Minority Ethnic staff, sharing interviews about their experiences during COVID-19, the challenges they faced and the changes they want to see happen.
This is part of a wider creative programme, called 360 Visions, which uses theatre, storytelling, music and filmmaking to understand NHS Lothian BME staff experiences of the COVID-19 pandemic and explore the multi-faceted challenges faced not only by BME staff, but also by Disabled, LGBT+ and Youth staff members. These creative activities will support the development of a range of equalities, diversity and inclusion resources across NHS Lothian, enhancing the work that is already taking place in the organisation to broaden views and improve culture.
The 360 Visions programme has been made possible thanks to donations made to Edinburgh and Lothians Health Foundation‘s COVID-19 Appeal as well as grants received from NHS Charities Together.